The progressive reaction to Obama's tax cut deal seems to be starting. Howie Klein has just announced that no House Democrat who voted Yes to the tax cut package will be allowed to fund-raise through Blue America. ... John Barrow (Blue Dog- GA), Zach Space (Blue Dog-OH), Melissa Bean (IL), Gabby Giffords (Blue Dog-AZ), Tom Perriello (VA), Artur Davis (AL), Heath Shuler (Blue Dog-NC), Baron Hill (Blue Dog-IN), Dan Boren (Blue Dog-OK), Jane Harman (Blue Dog-CA), Steve Israel ...
For what it's worth, Boren did vote for the "Democrat bill" this afternoon, so I suppose he deserves some credit. But if he'd done so without rhetoric like this, Boren's stand would have been far more appreciated. ...
?I was born in Northern Rwanda, a province of Byumba, a place that perhaps many of you have never heard of,? the introduction to Ms. Munyenyezi's book continues. ?Yes, it is in the middle of nowhere. It is a place where your cry, ... But prior to the first favorable asylum ruling by Judge Klein, the U.S. immigration prosecutors saw that the Kantengwa asylum case was not going their way. ICE then arrested and accused Prudence Kantengwa of lying on her visa application. ...